Poorna Wellbeing

About Deepa Mahesh

Deep Transformation Coach | Leadership Facilitator

I facilitate Conscious Leadership Journeys enabling ambitious leaders to achieve ‘Success with Self-Mastery’. Through Coaching and Facilitation, I enable my clients to envision and manifest a life of balance that promises professional and personal well-being.

Achieving Success is our natural desire and Well-being is our natural state of being. Success with Well-being is a state Leaders can access when there is the least inner resistance in the form of unresourceful thoughts, emotions, and limiting beliefs. My deepest desire is to enable ambitious leaders to pause and root in their vision, ambitions, core values, and resourceful thoughts so that they are able to shoot to their highest potential and live a life of joy and fulfilment.

I am on a mission to impact millions of ambitious leaders, professionals, and visionaries to achieve Success and live to their highest potential while being conscious of their inner world of thoughts and emotions.

Trilogy of my Work

I am not a purist. I explore and integrate methodologies from the wisdom of the East and the West to create a unique concoction that serves my client’s desire to succeed professionally and thrive personally. 

My work is experiential and facilitative. 

Being a psychologist, mental health advocate, and thorough OD professional gives an extra edge to my body of work.

The Joy of Facilitating Transformation

With my curated and facilitated individual and group coaching structures, you can experience profound transformations that extend far beyond the program itself, transcending time and contexts. You can unlock the power within you and your teams by eliminating interferences in the form of dilemmas, process inefficiencies, thoughts, and emotions.

 “Energy Mastery is my religion. It is like Breath. It is that which nourishes me, gives wings to my mission, and enables me to be an instrument of transformation in humankind.”

An Expression of My Mission

The root (the inside of a person) has to be joyfully strengthened to achieve the desired transformation.

As I facilitate the spread and deepening of the joyful roots, I bring in the desired root-to-shoot transformation.

The Sun Mandala framework symbolizes vitality, energy, radiance, and growth at the inner core.

Finally, with inner clarity and depth comes outer splendor and balanced life. Our outer world is a reflection of our inner world!

This is the process of self-mastery, i.e. transformation in managing thoughts, emotions, and behavior. It symbolizes living from the essence, with a sense of clarity and purpose.


Associate Certified Coach

Certified Instructional Designer


NLP Practitioner

Biography (Life Story Work) Consultant

Positive Psychology Coach

Certified Expressive Arts Therapist

Mandala Practitioner for Self-Mastery

Eurythmist- Artistic and Pedagogy


Why Clients Love Me

Kind Words

My Journey

‘I am Not Good Enough’ to a Confident Entrepreneur

Born in a religious, conservative Brahmin family, I grew up in an atmosphere that was contrary to my free-spirited nature, morphing myself into someone I was not. I followed everything obediently and became more and more dependent on others while curbing all my desires and dreams. I felt fragmented, I was splitting into a Deepa that I believed was authentic.

I became ‘a not good enough person’. And this feeling seeped into every area of my life as I grew up, be it motherhood, work-life, cooking, managing my home, and every other aspect. I never aimed high and never believed I could excel in anything. I enjoyed learning classical dance and music but left it midway like everything else I did. It was because of this nagging belief and the constant pressure to excel (by someone else’s standards), that I could never live my truth. I could never speak out or make decisions because I never knew how to. I lived in intense fear and emotional trauma, aspects about myself I discovered much later in my life.

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In my professional life as an HR Leader, I excelled in my work and was recognized by my superiors and stakeholders. However, it never gave me any satisfaction. It always felt like a “bottomless pit”, yearning for more and more appreciation but nothing would satisfy me ever. This continued until realization dawned on the day I was about to receive the Best HR Team award. I was not joyous working there. I quit not knowing what lay ahead.

I embarked on a conscious journey of self-discovery, self-inquiry, learning, and more learning. In the decade that followed, I immersed myself in life-changing experiences – spirituality, psychology, life story work, expressive arts to heal self, mind-body connection, self-love as healing for my psoriasis, allowing sisterhood in my life, serving humanity through volunteering, reading the scriptures – to name a few. I was transforming, blooming, and uncovering my true self & my true potential. I was embodying Root to Shoot transformation.

And then there was no stopping! I embarked on my mission to find and live my truth. Having realized my real essence, I began sharing my learnings to help others in their path of transformation and self-discovery. 

Today, I embody transformation and depth. I manifest success while being rooted in my values and my purpose. 

Explorations in Search for a Meaning

1 to 7 Years - HAPPY ME
I was happy and joyous inside out.

Being the first grandchild and living with my grandparents, parents, and my uncles and aunts, life was full of love and happiness.

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Keeping up to my name Deepa (meaning light), I brought Light to those who came to me with the radiance of my joy. I was pure. (Indicated by black and white strokes).
7 TO 21 Years - A SPLIT WITHIN
At 7, I started fragmenting. My inner being experienced a range of feelings, starting from loneliness, extreme fear, guilt, shame, to being felt captive. My outer being exuded joy and radiance. And I believed the outer self was my truth.

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But all the while, I was confused to the core. I couldn’t choose my vocation, pursuits, or friends. I was dependent on my mother, which made me shrink further. But, at the same time, in it, I found solace because I didn’t have to do it all by myself.

The primary thought I nurtured about myself was “I am not good enough”. This was my truth. So, I depended heavily on others for everything and in that I chained myself.
The split continued silently. My inner self became darker, and it shrunk further. However, I believed, my outer surface was ever colourful.

I lived in the outer realm forgetting my inner darkness.

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There were life experiences in pockets full of true joy, enthusiasm, unconditional love, marriage, motherhood, happy family, and work success, to name a few. But was I satisfied with them? Yes, momentarily.

However, the void and the darkness inside grew. I was searching for something, for someone to fill my “Bottomless Pit”.

Each time I thought I found that person, experience, or object, I settled and travelled to the colourful outer. But without them, I quickly delved back to my dark inner, an inconsolable and lonely space.

My only respite was that I never stopped asking myself who I was. I longed to be my happy self without the aid of external factors but couldn’t find my way to that experience.

My yearning to find lasting joy grew with every experience of temporary happiness. The contrast brought me closer to my inner reality.
42 to 44 Years - A BREAKTHROUGH
Life circumstances brought me to a horizon wherein I found my life’s greatest learning.

The answer to what I was seeking, the truth unfolded before me.

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I, finally, experienced inner radiance, brilliance, and pure light energy.

I discovered the true meaning of my life experiences and worked through my trauma and beliefs with therapy, coaching, workshops, self-inquiry techniques, art, to name a few.

I became a Life-Long-Learner, a learner of the “Power of Myself”.

Now, I radiate the same inner energy outside too and touch numerous lives through my Being.

Finally, I am aligned. I am true to my name (Light).

I feel a completion within and outside. I am in awareness of my Divinity, my Power, my light. I am Rooted! I have arrived Home Within!
I hold the good and the bad within me. I hold all polarities, and at time go beyond!

I hold the seed and the flower.

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I am in full radiance, and I am complete.

There is no restlessness anymore.

I have found my answers, yet I am a lifelong seeker.

I love my life on this earth and look forward to more unfolding of experiences and more layers coming to my consciousness.

I bow down to the wisdom my life offers.

I engage in my daily practices that keep me Rooted deep to Shoot higher.


A Dive into Her Creative World

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